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TypeORM Adapter




npm install @auth/typeorm-adapter typeorm

Environment Variables



import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import { TypeORMAdapter } from "@auth/typeorm-adapter"
export const { handlers, auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({
  adapter: TypeORMAdapter(process.env.AUTH_TYPEORM_CONNECTION),

TypeORMAdapter takes either a connection string, or a ConnectionOptions object as its first parameter.

Advanced usage

Custom models

The TypeORM adapter uses Entity classes to define the shape of your data.

You can override the default entities and add additional fields with a custom entities file.

  1. Create a file containing your modified entities:
import {
} from "typeorm"
const transformer: Record<"date" | "bigint", ValueTransformer> = {
  date: {
    from: (date: string | null) => date && new Date(parseInt(date, 10)),
    to: (date?: Date) => date?.valueOf().toString(),
  bigint: {
    from: (bigInt: string | null) => bigInt && parseInt(bigInt, 10),
    to: (bigInt?: number) => bigInt?.toString(),
@Entity({ name: "users" })
export class UserEntity {
  id!: string
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  name!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true, unique: true })
  email!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true, transformer: })
  emailVerified!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  image!: string | null
+ @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
+ role!: string | null
  @OneToMany(() => SessionEntity, (session) => session.userId)
  sessions!: SessionEntity[]
  @OneToMany(() => AccountEntity, (account) => account.userId)
  accounts!: AccountEntity[]
@Entity({ name: "accounts" })
export class AccountEntity {
  id!: string
  @Column({ type: "uuid" })
  userId!: string
  type!: string
  provider!: string
  providerAccountId!: string
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  refresh_token!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  access_token!: string | null
    nullable: true,
    type: "bigint",
    transformer: transformer.bigint,
  expires_at!: number | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  token_type!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  scope!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  id_token!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  session_state!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  oauth_token_secret!: string | null
  @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
  oauth_token!: string | null
  @ManyToOne(() => UserEntity, (user) => user.accounts, {
    createForeignKeyConstraints: true,
  user!: UserEntity
@Entity({ name: "sessions" })
export class SessionEntity {
  id!: string
  @Column({ unique: true })
  sessionToken!: string
  @Column({ type: "uuid" })
  userId!: string
  @Column({ transformer: })
  expires!: string
  @ManyToOne(() => UserEntity, (user) => user.sessions)
  user!: UserEntity
@Entity({ name: "verification_tokens" })
export class VerificationTokenEntity {
  id!: string
  token!: string
  identifier!: string
  @Column({ transformer: })
  expires!: string
  1. Pass them to TypeORMAdapter
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import { TypeORMAdapter } from "@auth/typeorm-adapter"
import * as entities from "lib/entities"
export const { handlers, auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({
  adapter: TypeORMAdapter("yourconnectionstring", { entities }),

The synchronize: true option in TypeORM will generate SQL that exactly matches the entities. This will automatically apply any changes it finds in the entity model. This is a useful option in development.


synchronize: true should not be enabled against production databases as it may cause data loss if the configured schema does not match the expected schema! We recommend that you synchronize/migrate your production database at build-time.

Naming Conventions

If mixed snake_case and camelCase column names are an issue for you and/or your underlying database system, we recommend using TypeORM’s naming strategy feature to change the target field names. There is a package called typeorm-naming-strategies which includes a snake_case strategy which will translate the fields from how Auth.js expects them, to snake_case in the actual database.

For example, you can add the naming convention option to the connection object in your NextAuth config.

import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import { TypeORMAdapter } from "@auth/typeorm-adapter"
import { SnakeNamingStrategy } from "typeorm-naming-strategies"
import { ConnectionOptions } from "typeorm"
const connection: ConnectionOptions = {
  type: "mysql",
  host: "localhost",
  port: 3306,
  username: "test",
  password: "test",
  database: "test",
  namingStrategy: new SnakeNamingStrategy(),
export const { handlers, auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({
  adapter: TypeORMAdapter(connection),
Auth.js © Balázs Orbán and Team - 2024