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Kakao Provider



Callback URL

Environment Variables



Create a provider and a Kakao application at In the settings of the app under Kakao Login, activate web app, change consent items and configure callback URL.

import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import Kakao from "next-auth/providers/kakao"
export const { handlers, auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({
  providers: [Kakao],


  • The “Authorized redirect URIs” used when creating the credentials must include your full domain and end in the callback path as shown above.

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  • For production: https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/api/auth/callback/kakao

  • For development: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/kakao

  • Kakao’s client key is in Summary(It is written as 요약정보 in Korean.) tab’s App Keys Field (My Application > App Settings > Summary)

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  • Kakao’s clientSecret key is in Security(It is written as 보안 in Korean.) tab’s App Keys Field (My Application > Product Settings > Kakao Login > Security)

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  • Kakao dev console has a button at the top right to change from KR to ENG
Auth.js © Balázs Orbán and Team - 2024